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The Study On Caiyi's Aesthetic Thoughts

Posted on:2012-03-20Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485303353453394Subject:Literature and art
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This essay consists of five departments, including of introduction and four chapters.This essay introduced why we research Caiyi's aesthetic thought, Caiyi's works, present researching situation and method of researching about Caiyi's aesthetic thought. For the meaning of researching Caiyi's aesthetic thought, the essay briefly expounded the two conversions of contemporary aesthetics, then it thinks that the present aesthetics needs new thought to induce the losing humanism. In the other hand, the Environmental Aesthetics roused in these years, some scholars thought that we should use Caiyi's aesthetic thought to reestablish Chinese Aesthetics. So it is necessary to review Caiyi's aesthetic thought. In the research status, the essay mainly listed some evaluations about Caiyi's aesthetic thought by Lvying, Zhuguangqian and Lizehou, pointed out the problem in the research of Caiyi's aesthetic thought. In the research methodology aspect, this essay uses the historic and logic methods to research Caiyi's aesthetic thought. The first chapter mainly analyzed Caiyi's research way and philosophy found. It consists of three small sections:"materialism and aesthetic method", "materialism and epistemology, view of practice", "materialism and theory of reflection, truth". The first section is about materialism and aesthetic method. It depicted the history of aesthetic method in western aesthetic history:a process of going from objective idealism to mechanical materialism till to dialectical materialism at last, a process of perfect fusion of rationality and sensibility. Then the essay produced several most important methods that influenced aesthetics of new China, such as Zhouyang, Zhuguangqian, Lvying, Lizehou's aesthetic methods. In the last of this section, the essay produced Caiyi's researching way and researching object, indicated Caiyi's differences from the four people's aesthetic methods. The second section is about Caiyi's views of materialism, epistemology and practice. The essay thinks that it is right that Caiyi insist on epistemology and oppose to ontology, but it is a mistake that Caiyi stopped at the cognition stage of the cognition process and opposed to the practice view and it makes that Caiyi's materialism epistemology dropped in mechanistic. The third section analyzed the theory of materialism reflection and truth view that Caiyi recognized. This essay thinks that Caiyi separated the relationship between the truth and cognition, isolated the truth and then drowned in agnosticism. At last of this chapter, this essay indicated that Zhouyang already had fixed the basic route of establishing the dialectical materialism aesthetics viewpoint by criticizing the idealism and mechanical materialism aesthetic viewpoint in the 1930s. Caiyi's aesthetic thought is just the mechanical materialism aesthetic view. The chapter two mainly analyzed Caiyi's theory about objective aesthetics. The first section is about the condition and law of beauty. This essay thinks that Caiyi deduce the beauty to the property of things is the same as the concept of entity and property that Spinoza had defined. The concept of beauty is the same as the nature that detached from mankind that Marx had criticized. This essay also indicated that Caiyi's aesthetic thought was very different from the Marxism Aesthetics that started from manual labor. This essay analyzed Caiyi's view about nature beauty in section two. It compared the view about nature beauty between Caiyi and Pospelov, the former Soviet Union esthetician and Carlson, the Canadian esthetician. Then this essay analyzed the three people's theories about nature beauty, and indicated the three people's dedications and localizations. In third section, this essay analyzed Caiyi's theory about social beauty. This essay compared the view about social beauty between Caiyi, Lizehou and Pospelov. It thinks that Caiyi cannot deeply and historically analyze the social beauty because Caiyi analyzes the social beauty only by properties but not by practice. The chapter three analyzed Caiyi's theory about aesthetic feeling. This essay firstly analyzed the philosophical basis of Caiyi's theory about aesthetic feeling. It thinks that Caiyi's theory about aesthetic feeling drowned into metaphysic because Caiyi separated the dialectics from materialism and further excluded the practice. In the first section, this essay analyzed Caiyi's theory about thinking in images. This essay thinks that it is a mistake that Caiyi regards the artistic way to master the world as the starting point of thinking in images, only regards the image as the way to think, only regards visual and auditory sense as the sense of aesthetic feeling. Then this essay analyzed Caiyi's image concept, pointed out that using the image concept to judge logically is unscientific. This essay also pointed out that Caiyi blaming the doubt about thinking in image is unreasonable. It also pointed out that the thinking in image that Cayi insisted on is a way going to formalism and irrationalism. In section two, this essay analyzed Caiyi's theory about "the notion of beauty". It introduced Caiyi's "notion of beauty". It thinks that there are contradictions between the notion of beauty and concept, the diversity of images and abstract of property, the objectivity of images and subjectivity of imagination. Then this essay thinks that Caiyi's "notion of beauty" is out of life and is any combination of prior images. It is formalistic and irrational. This essay thinks that the right notion of beauty is based on the struggle in the production and living but not Caiyi's abstract notion of image. In the third section, this essay analyzed Caiyi's theory about the charter and type of aesthetic feeling. It indicated the self-completion of Caiyi's theory about aesthetic feeling of natural beauty. It also indicated the subjective bias of Caiyi's theory about aesthetic feeling of social beauty and the self-completion of aesthetic feeling that reflected from the contradiction between class nature and non-class nature of Caiy's theory of aesthetic feeling and the self-completion of objective beauty in Caiyi's theory of aesthetic feeling charters. This essay further indicated that the theory of aesthetic feeling was the completion of the system of Caiyi's objective idealism of aesthetic theory. Then this essay pointed out that it is ridiculous that some scholars regard Caiyi as a Marxism esthetician. The chapter four analyzed Caiyi's criticism about Chernyshevsky's aesthetic theory, the Marxism Aesthetics of Soviet Union and Marx's "Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844". This essay pointed out that Caiyi only using the form of mechanical materialism to establish his aesthetics system, so it changed into abstract aesthetic system of objective idealism. In order to maintain the system, Caiyi criticized Chernyshevsky, Soviet Union esthetician and Karl Marx. In the first section, the essay analyzed the Caiyi's criticism about Chernyshevsky's aesthetic theory. It thinks that Caiyi has wrongly criticized Chernyshevsky's "beauty is life", theory of noble and tragic, theory of nature beauty, theory of the relation between art and reality, etc., on the metaphysic opinion. In the second section, this essay analyzed Caiyi's criticism to Soviet Union Marxism aesthetics. This essay indicated that Caiyi's criticism to Nidosiwa's pulling in the practice opinion when Nidosiwa insisted on the theory of artistic way of master the world was one-sided developed Nidosiwa's wrong opinion. This essay also indicated that Caiyi distorted Wansolvo and Stlovic's theory of "labor create the beauty" and "sociality nature of beauty". It also pointed out that the wrong that Wansolvo and Stlovic has made was not that they did not deduce the beauty to the property of things itself that Caiyi had mentioned, but was that they regard the beauty as the being of social objective things. After summed the three people's defects, this essay pointed out Lvying's unique and outstanding status in the world aesthetics. In the third section, this essay analyzed Caiyi's criticism of the "Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844". This essay pointed out that the Marxism classic writers such as Marx, Engels and Lenin basically regarded Marx's text around in 1844 as communist text. This essay also indicated that Caiyi misunderstood Marx's text that Caiyi regarded the concept of "labor" in Marx's manuscripts as Hegel's "mental labor" and regarded the concept of "alienated labor" in Marx's manuscripts as Hegel's "mental alienation". Especially it is worth to doubt that Caiyi regards the "Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844" as an idealism work. This essay thinks that there are some bias that Caiyi denies the materialistic base of the theory of personification of nature through cutting off the relation between labor, mental activity and sense. At the same time, this essay thinks that it is meaningful that Caiyi doubts the social objectivity of the beauty that the practice aesthetics insists on. Then this essay points out that we should not regard the beauty as the being of social objectivity.At last, this essay highly appraised Caiyi's contribution in the aesthetics and artistics. It also thinks that the trouble in Caiyi's aesthetic theory should not repeat in present aesthetic research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Caiyi, Aesthetic Theory, Aesthetic Perception, Development Sectors
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