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The Necessity And Actuality Of Freedom

Posted on:2010-10-05Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:C H LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485302726985419Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Hegel's right philosophy is the ideas system of the necessity and actuality of human being's freedom and right,which grows from man's own knowing and self-knowing spirit that continually moves and creates for ever.Hegel's fight philosophy is the eternal movement and practical creation of man's own spirit's necessary natural,moral and rational freedom,which can't be conceived mechanically or externally as thesyllogical positive-negative-synthesis in formal logic.So it can be said that Hegel's fight philosophty shows that the truth of human being's spirit in conformity with that of the political world.Expressedly it is the actualization history of all every individul's necessary natural,moral,and rational freedom and their objective right,which is in conformity with the rational cognition principle of politic world,namely the unity of the three necessary judgement principle of fact,value and reason.So Hegel's political philosophy have overcome the separation between the ideas of freedom and its method in modern political thoughts.In theory man's three necessary freedom and right mutually separates and excludes, but methodologically the three necessary principles of the fact,value and reason mix up or arrogate,and independently excludes each other.Hegel's political philosophy,for the first time,acknowledgs and respects person's individual natural exsitence in his immediate being, whose external freedom is fulfiled as the necessary right of life and property.But Hegel opposed to conceive the person's property as absolute freedom,it will inevitably bring inequailty,violence and crime.More importantly the individual,being a spiritual rational sef-consciousness subject,is a moral subject in himself,who must have his internal and subjective freedom that is fulfilled as my subjective responsibility,my intention and my welfare.This is a individual's necessary moral right to self-determined.But in Hegel's viewpoint,if this necessary morality is carried out immediately,it will lead to evil or hypocrisy,and slavery or autocracy.So Hegel thinks that the individual's necessary property and subjective moral dignity,or right and duty,must be realized in the practical ethic life,especially as a member of one family,society and a state.In the family, the individual can realize his right and morally subjective freedom through the immediate natural love and trust.In the civil society,individual's own subjectivity and particularity of his necessary natural and moral freedom are liberated adequately,at the same time,his life right and security obtains undisturbly external safeguard.However the civil society,because of its main principle of particularity,can't resolve the inequality of life right and resources possession and poverty problem of individuals and famlies,who live in freedom of a so-called state of nature.Just in this senses,Hegel believes that each single man's unviversally equal life right,concrete welfare and his moral dignity are universally respected and steadily protected only in an ethical politic order of the state and its constitution.Now,the individuals' universal rational self-awareness of his freedom nature is objectively presented and known universally in the state's constitution.The surpassing meaning and value of Hegel's political philosophy lies in the realization of the unity of the truth of human being and the rationality of political world.So the practical social-political world must acknowledges and respects the individuals internal necessary character of natural,moral and rational nature,or his particularity and university of freedom in his concrete existence,guaranteeing their necessary natural,moral and rational freedom to be fulfiled as objective right.Marx's practical and critical philosophy in fact absorbs the soul of Hegel's spiritually critical philosophy.Hegel founds the truth of world and responsibity in man's own spirit,but Marx founds the secret of making man's own truth and duty come true through material and practical change.Obviously it is Hegel that makes Marx recognize the direction of social criticism and practical change.At the same time Marx realizes that Hegel's spiritual criticism cannot replace the criticism of material or practical change.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hegel, right philosophy, freedom, necessity and actuality
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