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Research On The Dimensions Of Human Existence Under 5G Technology

Posted on:2022-06-08Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J FuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1480306728981229Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The fifth generation of mobile communication technology has brought many changes to people's production and life,which have both positive levels of promotion,and there is a latent crisis that needs to be vigilant.This latent crisis is derived from the limitations produced by the technology itself,and on the one hand,it originates from the deformation of the traditional social contradiction.Therefore,the study of Dimensions of Human Existence under 5G technology has the need for the practice of the social contradiction,and there is the theoretical significance of re-application for the current practice of the classic criticism.The first chapter of the dissertation is the introduction,and the background and significance of the survival of people under 5G technology,the status quo of domestic and foreign research,and the development trend have been explained,and the research innovation and difficulties are pointed out.The second chapter of the dissertation discusses the birth of 5G technology and its impact.First,the history of communication technology was investigated.Since the emergence of communication technology,the upgrade of each technology will bring people in production and life,and 1G analog communication technology opens the mobile era,2G digital communication technology enables the tendency of the remote distance.The 3G era communication technology opened the new phase of the mobile Internet,4G technology enables the interconnective growth trend in the way of moving broadband,and 5G technology is born to all-in-one interconnection provides a communication technology basis.5G Communication Technology has brought people to people's experiences,and also has technical blending,such as education,medical,travel,and entertainment.At the same time,5G technology employs new upgrades in production methods such as smart grid,industrial manufacturing,and smart shipping,promoting social governance capabilities.The third chapter of the dissertation discusses the individual crisis of people under 5G technology.5G communication technology will bring convenience and lifestyle upgrades,it will also bring individuals with the crisis in terms of philosophical sense.First,the adjustment of the algorithm is a development trend of the same chemical set by the individual's control,and the original non-calculated person in the intervention of the big data and integration.Second,the mammatic environment brought about by the communication artificial technology has built a disabled world that caused a double body in the remote presentation,and dualization in the perceptual level.Finally,people are transparent in the high data background,and the personal privacy is disclosed in the "Enter" "Wake-up" feature of the mobile side,and people are easily used by the network capital,thereby producing a technology to make people become a The tendency of capital means.The forth chapter of the dissertation discusses the shaping of capital suppression and one-directional people under 5G technology.The capital is based on the benefit.In the last century,there have been a large amount of capital in the Western capitalist countries to exploit the labor force and intend to make people become "one-way".Herbert Marcuse and Jürgen Habermas and other scholars have analyzed this situation and their causes.5G communication technology expands capital influence,capital will to communicate interested in communications to make people in the virtual world of data being contracted in the virtual world of data,thereby producing a new form of "one-way degree" person.By building a field,the capital is limited to consumers' visual space,eliminating the value of human body,thereby making it a presence of commercial features.Thus,a new form of digital gaps have been produced in 5G communication technologies,so that people continue their class habitual-thereby showing their class habit ? large data positioning and user portrait description ? Personal data on users Precision Push ? User's inexpension is further solidified,thereby forming a new form of cultural regeneration.The fifth chapter of the dissertation has a more dimensional reflection on people under 5G technology.As a person who is the main body,you should pursue the distance from the perspective of the value.From dignity-happiness perspective,the connotation of value main body should be explored from single-scale-multi-scale reflection as the foundation of the value of value.Secondly,as a person who has the main body,it should be a breakthrough in a breakthrough to break through the rationality.Finally,as a person of the generated body,it should emphasize the rationality and legality of the human generating property,and the values of people-oriented values should be reread.5G technical background people's selective confused from the following three angles: First,people under 5G technology have two bodies,this is an objective reason why people's selective confusion: artificial technology and the body of natural technology;Second,people's selective confusion has two dependencies,this is a social reason for human selective confusion: the dependence on things and the dependence on people;Third,people have two needles under the role of capital will: this is the direct cause of human selective confused:false needs and real needs.The sixth chapter of the dissertation puts forward solutions and recommendations for the existence of people under the 5G technology proposed by the papers.First,from the individual level,people should actively get rid of the algorithm to individuals,on the one hand,by transcending knowledge sharing,and thus break through the shackles of the information hunters;on the other hand,people should pass the real life experience,in reality and virtual it is constructed in the interactive understanding.Second,in the dimensionality of the ethical system to build network capital,we should face the algorithm as a reality of power,and conduct appropriate restrictions on the use of power and power to achieve the purpose of breaking the cultural industry.In the 5G era,the restriction of capital power is a dynamic game process,and should be directed to the capital through the system to complete the guidance while the capital is completed,and the possibility of prejudice to many possibilities,and circumvents the presence of false Pareto in the information.At the same time,it is guaranteed that Carrem Hicks Standards is the fairness of the application of capital power limitations,thus constructing national demand in the system of promoting social evolution,in line with people's expectations,and can meet production efficiency,pointing to people Nash equilibrium of a beautiful life.
Keywords/Search Tags:5G, technology intentionality, capital penetration, one-dimensional people
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