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Regular Polytopes With Solvable Automorphism Groups

Posted on:2021-10-18Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:D D HouFull Text:PDF
GTID:1480306134471744Subject:Operational Research and Cybernetics
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The starting point of the thesis is the following problem proposed by Schulte and Weiss in[Problems on polytopes,their groups,and realizations,Periodica Math.Hun-garica 53(2006)231-255][1]:Characterize the groups of order 2nor 2np,with n a positive integer and p an odd prime,which are automorphism groups of regular poly-topes.In this thesis,we aim to solve Schulte and Weiss's problem,and our results on regular polytopes are further used to investigate regualr hypertopes and regular maps of order 2n.This thesis is origanized as follows.Chapter 1,Introduction:We introduce the history and the background of regular polytopes,regular hypertopes and regular maps,as well as our results in this thesis.Chapter 2,Preliminaries:We introduce some basic definitions and results regard-ing regular polytope,regular hypertope,regular map and finite group.Chapter 3,Regular polytopes:We focus on Schulte and Weiss's open problem.For any positive integers n,k1,k2,···,kd-1such that n?10,k1,k2,···,kd-1?2 and n-1?k1+k2+···+kd-1,we first construct a regular polytope of Schl¨afli type{2k1,2k2,···,2kd-1}and the order of its automorphism group is 2n.Following the results of Conder in[2],we obtain the sufficient and necessary conditions for the existence of regular polytopes of order 2n.Furthermore,we classify regular polytopes that have automorphism groups of order 2nand Schl¨afli types{4,2n-3},{4,2n-4},{4,2n-5},{8,2n-4}and{8,2n-5}.Finaly,we prove that if the type of a regular 3-polytope of order 2np is{k1,k2},then p|k1or p|k2.Up to duality,there are two Schl¨afli types:Type(1)with k1=2sp,k2=2tand Type(2)with k1=2sp,k2=2tp.We then show that there exists a regular 3-polytope of order 2np with Type(1)when s?2,t?2 and n?s+t+1.For Type(2),there exists a regular 3-polytope of order 2n·3 with type{6,6}.Chapter 4,Regular hypertopes:For any positive integers n?10,s?2,t?2,l?1and n?s+t+l,we construct an infinite family of regular 3-hypertopes of type(2s,2t,2l),whose automorphism group has order 2n.This answers an open problem proposed by Conder in[3].Chapter 5,Regular maps:We consider regular maps of order 2nfor n?12.(Con-der classified all regular maps of order 2nfor n?11).Let 2?s,t?n-2 and s?t.We show that if s+t?n or s+t>n with s=t,there exists a regular map of order 2nwith type{2s,2t},and we conjecture that there is no regular map of order 2nwith type{2s,2t}if s+t>n and s<t.We confirm the conjecture for t=n-2 and n-3.Finaly,regular maps of order 2nwith types{2n-2,2n-2}and{2n-3,2n-3}are classified.Chapter 6,Conclusion:We summarize the main results and propose some open problems for further research.
Keywords/Search Tags:2-groups, Solvable groups, Regular polytopes, Regular hypertopes, Regular maps
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