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Empirical essays on open innovation

Posted on:2015-05-09Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignCandidate:Fisher, Gregory JohnFull Text:PDF
This dissertation offers an integrative conceptual framework and research studies that provide theoretical and empirical explanations for important mechanisms that enable new product outcomes from different approaches to open innovation. The literature review classifies various forms of open innovation along the two key dimensions of the organizer of open innovation activities and the intended consumer of the open innovation output. This unique perspective of open innovation enables this dissertation to investigate open innovation from the supply-side, in terms of the firms and individuals who collaborate to create new products. Additionally, this unique approach enables this dissertation to explore the demand-side perspective, in terms of the consumers who use the new products that are created via open innovation.;This dissertation contributes to the development of theory in the open innovation domain by introducing social production theory to the marketing domain. This research extends the social production perspective to incorporate the nonmarket innovation mechanism of community selection. Further, the research suggests the relevance of social production theory for understanding how users select product designs that are created through nonmarket innovation.;Empirically, this dissertation seeks to make contributions to open innovation through the measurement of several emerging constructs. This research develops original measurement scales to be among the first to operationalize open contribution and the adaptive marketing capabilities of vigilant market learning, adaptive market experimentation, and open marketing. This study empirically tests each of these constructs and links them to specific performance outcomes, which is an ongoing need in the growing literature on open innovation. Further, this research operationalizes several incipient ideas from the social production perspective, including design granularity, design modifiability, and community selection. These constructs are measured via multiple methods and empirically tested to further our knowledge of nonmarket innovation.;Substantively, this dissertation offers numerous insights to practitioners of open innovation. Managers continue to seek guidance on more specific tactics that they should pursue in order to utilize the external knowledge that is increasingly available to their NPD efforts. This dissertation's focus on adaptive marketing capabilities suggests specific capabilities that firms can cultivate and leverage to obtain favorable outcomes from open contribution.;While firms are pursuing open contribution paradigms at an increasing rate, nonmarket innovation communities are new phenomena that are not well-understood and have been greeted with caution and concern by firms. Many incumbent firms view nonmarket innovation as a hazard that possesses the potential to erode the profitable businesses that they have built and protected through years of careful marketing and management effort. While not all firms are threatened by nonmarket innovation, few firms are actively participating in nonmarket innovation activities. However, such communities of individual innovators are cutting edge developers of emerging innovation processes, and they hold much knowledge that firms can learn from. This dissertation offers exploratory insight into the incipient area of nonmarket innovation and what factors affect individual decisions to use products that are created without the input of firms. (Abstract shortened by UMI.).
Keywords/Search Tags:Open innovation, Firms, Dissertation offers, Social production
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