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Fashion opinion leadership among mature consumers: Demographics, lifestyle and retail patronage behavior

Posted on:1988-02-04Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of TennesseeCandidate:Huddleston, Patricia ThereseFull Text:PDF
GTID:1479390017456859Subject:Business Administration
The purpose of this study was to evaluate fashion opinion leadership among consumers over fifty and to identify the demographics, lifestyle dimensions and retail patronage behavior of the mature fashion opinion leader.; A random sample of 2,003 consumers, ages 50 and over were sent questionnaires resulting in a 35 percent return rate (n = 711) usable for analysis.; Twenty questions using a five point Likert scale were used to determine degree of fashion opinion leadership and retail patronage behavior. Factor analysis using the principal components method of varimax rotation was used to analyze the 59 lifestyle items to determine which lifestyle variables were related to each other. Linear models were used to analyze the lifestyle variables, demographic and retail patronage behavior characteristics.; Findings indicated that the best predictors of fashion opinion leadership were the lifestyle dimensions of Independent/Self Confident, Recreational Shopper, Fashionably Dressed and Community Involvement. Recreational Shopper appears to be a unique characteristic of the mature fashion opinion leader. Two demographic characteristics, sex and occupation were found to be significant predictors of fashion opinion leadership. Females were found to have significantly higher fashion opinion leadership mean scores than males. Business and communication related occupations had the highest fashion opinion leadership mean scores. In general, the higher the occupational status, the higher the fashion opinion leadership mean score.; Age was significant only when divided into pre- and postretirement age (50-64 and 65+). Postretirement age was inversely related to fashion opinion leadership. Positive and statistically significant correlations were found between fashion opinion leadership and reported influence of younger consumers. None of the retail patronage behavior characteristics were useful predictors of fashion opinion leadership.; These findings show that fashion opinion leaders do exist in the mature consumer segment and they do appear to have characteristics that businesses can identify and use to target products and promotions. An underlying implication is that the over 50 consumer is an affluent consumer group that should not be ignored in marketing plans and promotions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fashion opinion leadership, Retail patronage behavior, Consumer, Lifestyle, Mature
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