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Perceptions of involvement of parents and community members on shared decision-making cabinet

Posted on:1993-10-10Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Ohio State UniversityCandidate:Heffernan, Ann NoraFull Text:PDF
GTID:1479390014996515Subject:Educational administration
The purpose of the study was to explore perceived inhibitors and facilitators to parental and community members' involvement and to assess perceptions about roles and responsibilities of parents and community members on school decision-making cabinets. Data collection included the use of a survey questionnaire. Respondents were in one of the following five role groups: (a) administrator, (b) teacher on the cabinet, (c) non-certified personnel, (d) parents and community members, and (e) non-cabinet teachers. The questionnaire was returned by 129 participants; sixteen of the respondents agreed to be interviewed.;The questionnaire contained 71 items which were answered on a Likert-type scale with six possible ratings. Mean responses for five role groups were analyzed by the ANOVA procedure with a Bonferroni adjustment of the alpha level. Tukey's Studentized Range revealed where difference occurred between role groups.;The questionnaire revealed that cabinet members did not statistically differ from each other concerning inhibitors of parental and community members' involvement. Parents and community members differed statistically from non cabinet teachers.;Survey results and interviews identified principals as key facilitators to parental and community members involvement. National, state, and district reform movements were also identified as facilitating parental and community members involvement on cabinets.;Role groups were statistically different concerning parental and community members' roles and responsibilities on decision-making cabinets. School personnel did not believe that parents and community members should help participate in the hiring of teachers or non-certified personnel nor should parents and community members help select textbooks.;A major problem identified by all roles groups is the confusion concerning parental and community members' roles and responsibilities. The school community needs to change their attitudes, skills, and knowledge concerning parental and community members involvement on decision-making cabinets.
Keywords/Search Tags:Community members, Involvement, Cabinet, Decision-making
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