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Wastewater Management Policy: Agenda Setting in New York State

Posted on:2015-07-06Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:State University of New York College of Environmental Science and ForestryCandidate:Khalid, Imran SaqibFull Text:PDF
GTID:1478390020452630Subject:Environmental Studies
This dissertation explores how resource poor, small, rural communities in environmentally sensitive areas of New York State manage and make decisions about wastewater management. Towards this end, I analyzed the role of public officials, technical as well as socio-economic factors and other elements which influence decision-making in this realm. A sample of six communities was selected in environmentally sensitive watersheds in New York State. In-depth interviews were conducted with individuals from local and State governments as well as funding agencies and consultants. Following the transcription of interviews, the data was coded to categorize the responses into common patterns. Using themes that emerged from the data, I gained an understanding of the trends and accounted for insights revealed by the data.;The primary themes that emerged from data analysis were: environmental concerns, political will and stability, political instability, financial concerns, importance of consultants and engineers, effective communication, development versus preservation, impact of other projects, business opportunities, and historical grievances. The research revealed that existence of a problem does not necessarily result in corrective action. One of the principal reasons for hesitancy on part of the communities was lack of financial resources to upgrade their current wastewater systems. In addition, political stability in terms of local governance was found to be an important aspect of decision-making. Furthermore, effective communication amongst the stakeholders was an important theme in communities that successfully pursued plans for a wastewater treatment system. Finally, the research revealed that it was important to understand the public mood. The mood may be impacted by non- project related issues such as previous endeavors to upgrade the wastewater system or financial concerns. Although this research was limited in scope and only looked at six case studies, it contributes to our understanding of wastewater management in rural communities and in local government settings.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wastewater management, New york, Communities, State
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