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Secure and privacy-preserving communication schemes for emerging smart citie

Posted on:2017-02-12Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Tennessee Technological UniversityCandidate:Rabieh, KhaledFull Text:PDF
GTID:1478390017963725Subject:Electrical engineering
Recently, the smart city has been introduced as a promising concept due to its potential benefits including low-carbon economy, intelligent traffic management, ubiquitous information sharing, etc. In the smart city, there are many key components such as Smart Grid (SG), smart vehicles, smart houses and mobile social networks. Wireless communications will play an essential role to enable the smart city to evolve. However, the security and privacy issues of the smart city communications need to be well studied. In this dissertation, we propose secure and privacy-preserving schemes for two crucial communication networks of smart cities; smart grid and Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs).;We propose scalable certificate revocation schemes for the smart grid Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) networks that can reduce the size of the Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) using Bloom filters. Since Bloom filters suer from false positives, Smart Meters (SMs) may discard important messages due to falsely identifying a certificate of a sender as invalid. The proposed schemes can handle such a problem by identifying and nullifying the false positives of the Bloom filters.;Then, we propose privacy-preserving route reporting schemes that suit VANET-enabled traffic management. Smart traffic management systems depend on reporting the future routes of drivers to predict the congested locations. The proposed schemes aim at preserving the location privacy of drivers while keeping smart traffic management systems able to collect the drivers' future routes. We employ data aggregation techniques so that vehicles are able to report their future routes without leaking any private information.;Then, we introduce a privacy-preserving chatting scheme for Vehicular Social Networks (VSNs) that allows drivers to share their common interests' information with other drivers. Drivers benet from chatting about common topics without revealing their interests and the Degree Of Interests (DOI). Our scheme helps smart cities' drivers to obtain accurate replies to their inquires from experienced drivers. Finally, we propose a cross-layer scheme to identify Sybil vehicles. The scheme is based on location verification of the claimed vehicles' locations. Since Sybil vehicles are not physically located at the claimed locations, our scheme can effectively identify such an attack.;In order to verify our schemes, we analyze, evaluate, simulate and use mathematical models for the proposed schemes. Our analysis and evaluation results of these schemes demonstrate that they can effectively preserve the privacy of users and secure the communications.
Keywords/Search Tags:Smart, Schemes, Secure, Privacy, Traffic management
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