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Portable Wireless Sensors for Personal Exposure and Environmental Monitoring

Posted on:2015-06-04Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Arizona State UniversityCandidate:Chen, ChengFull Text:PDF
Monitoring of air pollutants is critical for many applications and studies. In order to access air pollutants with high spatial and temporal resolutions, it is necessary to develop an affordable, small size and weight, low power, high sensitivity and selectivity, and wireless enable device that can provide real time monitoring of air pollutants. Three different kind of such devices are presented, they are targeting environmental pollutants such as volatile organic components (VOCs), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ozone. These devices employ innovative detection methods, such as quartz crystal tuning fork coated with molecularly imprinted polymer and chemical reaction induced color change colorimetric sensing. These portable devices are validated using the gold standards in the laboratory, and their functionality and capability are proved during the field tests, make them great tools for various air quality monitoring applications.
Keywords/Search Tags:Air
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