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Student connectedness and the perception of community of inquiry presences in online instructio

Posted on:2015-05-23Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:TUI UniversityCandidate:Sharp, JennieFull Text:PDF
GTID:1477390017497422Subject:Higher education administration
This study examined student perceptions of effective online instruction, by means of the levels of student connectedness, within the context of the Community of Inquiry model. Both the Online Student Connectedness Survey (OSCS) and the Community of Inquiry (CoI) survey have been previously used to study student connectedness and student perception of online learning. This study employed both surveys to gather data from online students with various academic levels, areas of study and experience with online learning. Study participants were recruited via social media and were restricted to students and alumni of one large online university offering both Bachelor and Graduate programs. The findings of the study support the use of the OSCS in measuring student connectedness in terms of the CoI presences. One or more of the student connectedness components was found to be a significant predictor of the CoI presences. All components of student connectedness were found to be significant predictors of the social presence, with facilitation as a predictor of the teaching presence and comfort and facilitation as predictors of the cognitive presence. Correlations were observed among the control variables of academic area of study and level of study and level of online study, indicating the need for flexibility in the online learning environment. The results of this Research can also be used provide a rudimentary framework for instructor competencies and incorporating the principles of student connectedness into the E-learning environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Student connectedness, Online, Higher education, Community, Inquiry, Presences
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