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Impact of a Problem-Based Learning Curriculum on Pre-Service Teacher Development

Posted on:2015-09-05Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Wisconsin - MadisonCandidate:Vogel, Aubrey SFull Text:PDF
This dissertation explores the impact of a problem-based learning curriculum on pre-service teachers' construction of self-as-teacher and what they understand as their role within multicultural education. My analysis of a problem-based learning curriculum implemented in the first Education course required for all Education majors and minors at one private liberal arts college suggests that, ultimately, pre-service teachers have opportunities to build a sense of self-as-teacher and understand their role(s) within multicultural education through engagement in a problem-based learning curriculum. The impact of the problem-based curriculum, however, must be weighed against where they are situated along the trajectory of their development and progress within the overall sequence of Education coursework. In the case of this research study, the participants were all early in their development. Their ability to pose thoughtful questions, acknowledge the complexities of teaching and learning, and begin to think about themselves in these complex spaces was important to their overall development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Problem-based learning curriculum, Impact, Pre-service, Development
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