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The effect of educational productivity factors on eighth-grade interest and achievement in scienc

Posted on:1993-09-15Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Illinois at ChicagoCandidate:Pittman, Shirley GainesFull Text:PDF
GTID:1477390014997884Subject:Science Education
This dissertation reports findings of a secondary analysis employing cross-sectional data from the 1988 National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS:88). The study uses the educational productivity model (Walberg, 1990b) to investigate the influence of aptitude, instruction, and psychological environments on science interest and achievement.;The factors of ability, development, and motivation or self-concept are included in the category of aptitude. Instruction is comprised of quantity and quality of instruction. The psychological environments include home, social or classroom, peer group outside of school, and out-of-school factors.;This study's significance lies in the theoretical and practical information it provides regarding the degree to which the educational productivity factors influence science interest and achievement of eighth grade students. Pearson correlation analyses measured the degree of association between the dependent and independent variables. Multiple regression analyses, cross-validations, and alternate models were also employed. The sample includes approximately 5,162 eighth grade students. Student and teacher responses to survey questions and students' science achievement scores were used in this study.;Factors of aptitude, instruction, and the psychological environment were found to influence science interest and achievement. Based upon these findings, policy related recommendations are included for changes to increase student interest and achievement in science.
Keywords/Search Tags:Interest and achievement, Educational productivity, Factors, Science
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