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The Individual Education Plan: A Parents' Perspective

Posted on:2017-06-23Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Wilmington University (Delaware)Candidate:Comroe, Brian ScottFull Text:PDF
GTID:1477390014496119Subject:Special education
The purpose of this quantitative study was to determine the perceptions of parents of special education students regarding the Individual Education Plan (IEP) and process. A total of 168 parents or guardians of sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-grade middle school special education students completed a survey focusing on their perceptions of the IEP process and their rights as caregivers and custodians of the special needs child. Five research questions were posed in this dissertation study and designed to answer questions regarding the IEP and team meeting, the parents'/guardians' age, socioeconomic level, academic education level, special education status, and racial identity. This was a non-experimental convenience study where participants self-selected to participate. Recommendations for future use of this dissertation study include Individual Education Plan development, parent/school relations, performance, and legal reference. Further research and study can be used to adapt and improve existing IEP plans and documentation as demographics play a role in perceptions of the IEP and special education law.
Keywords/Search Tags:Education, IEP, Perceptions
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