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Weak states and major powers in the 21st century

Posted on:2015-12-15Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of MiamiCandidate:Kassab, Hanna SamirFull Text:PDF
GTID:1476390020952712Subject:International relations
This dissertation's central focus explains why weak states exist as separate political units within the international system. The work argues that, if a state is weak and vulnerable, then it can practice an unexpected degree of relative autonomy unfettered by great powers. Given systemic vulnerability stemming from underdevelopment, weak states pursue economic development in order to survive; security is a secondary concern. This unthreatening behavior allows weak states to conduct business with great powers at opposite ends of the balance of power. If a weak state is to gain economically from great powers, it must then trade some of its foreign policy autonomy. This may lead great powers to compete over weak state support, especially within forums of global governance. These arguments will build upon established theory and data for the purpose of explaining weak state behavior and subsequent changes in great power grand strategy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Weak state, Powers
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