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Towards a pneumatological Hibridez: An exploration of Mestizaje through the experience of undocumented immigration

Posted on:2015-11-10Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Regent UniversityCandidate:Alvarez, Daniel OrlandoFull Text:PDF
There are several theological works that address the issue of undocumented immigration. These ignore the theological concept of metizaje. In order to engage the phenomenon of undocumented immigration more effectively and to build an understanding concerning the ones who make the journey al norte, theology must use the resources available through the concept of mestizaje. It is a rich theological term that is described as the locus theologicus of the Hispanic or Latina/o community. However, the discussion on mestizaje has grown more and more complex so that it is a very slippery term that needs to be further expounded and expanded in order to be able to speak about and to the Hispanic or Latina/o peoples. For this reason, I propose the usage of the term hibridez . It is not a mere translation of the English, hybridity; rather, it is a term that moves us beyond simplistic notions of race, nationality, and ethnicity revealing the possibility of multiple embeddedness in identity. Hibridez addresses the most marginalized groups in Latin America, such as Amerindian and zamba/o peoples. It also addresses the plight of the immigrant, who along with the widow and orphan, compose the trilogy of the poor. Finally, it is a term that allows for the inclusion of an evangelic perspective and a pneumatological analysis of the plight of the poor of Latin America who make their journey al norte.
Keywords/Search Tags:Undocumented, Hibridez, Mestizaje
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