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Motives of art theft: A social contextual perspective of value

Posted on:2015-06-10Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Florida State UniversityCandidate:Wylly, Marion JohnstonFull Text:PDF
This study utilizes a sociological contextual examination of the value of art in order to examine the relationship between the value of art and art theft. The over-riding research question of this study addresses: What is the relationship between the value of art and art theft? In order to explore this question, the study will further examine three additional research questions. First, what determines the value of art? Does this value affect motive? If so, how? Second, what is, if any, the co-evolutionary relationship between the value placed on an artwork and art crime? Third, how do policies and procedures established to protect artworks also affect the value of art? This exploratory and descriptive study examines the dualism of value and motive relative to the context of art and art theft through an inductive grounded theory design. The primary means for gathering data will incorporate content analysis and a series of open-ended systematic qualitative interviews.;The findings of this study contribute to the overall knowledge of art theft and illicit art trade. It will provide a base of information for future studies, and aid in the development of theories about art crimes. The data will also provide information to stakeholders so that they may actively influence changes in procedures and policy implementation as a prevention of art crimes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Art theft, Relationship between the value, Art crimes
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