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The Evolution of Criminal Procedure for Law Enforcement in Western Pennsylvania and Northern West Virginia with the Emphasis on Cybercrime

Posted on:2016-03-11Degree:D.ScType:Dissertation
University:Robert Morris UniversityCandidate:Wydra, Christopher AFull Text:PDF
The use of information technology, computers, and networks are more prevalent as a means to commit crime. Law enforcement agencies categorize crimes facilitated with the use of the Internet, computers or technology as cybercrime. Police methods for fighting cybercrime use standard policing techniques, but also include the appropriate technology to aid in cybercrime investigations. There is limited knowledge of procedural factors the influence cybercrime inves-tigations. This study identifies how criminal procedures for law enforcement have evolved and how and why limitations affect cybercrime investigations for law enforcement agencies.;This study examined why law enforcement agencies in Western Pennsylvania and North-ern West Virginia encounter limitations that affect cybercrime investigations and how the limita-tion affect their law enforcement agencies. The criminal procedure process of investigating cy-bercrime has changed for these law enforcement agencies due to the limitations of jurisdictional boundaries, technologies, budgets, training and education, law enforcement personnel, and pro-cedures. It has been determined from the review of the literature that there is limited knowledge of the procedural factors that influence cybercrime investigations. This study is aligned with the review of the literature in that there is limited information or knowledge if law enforcement agencies have the budgets, personnel, and/or adequate technologies to combat cybercrime and if jurisdictional boundaries have an implication on investigating cybercrime.
Keywords/Search Tags:Law enforcement, Cybercrime, Criminal
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