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Capsizing the Constitution: A Predictive Model of Presidential Expansion and the High Tide of Presidential Government

Posted on:2018-02-03Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Washington State UniversityCandidate:Christensen, ErickaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1475390020453444Subject:Political science
Modern presidents have ushered in a new era of presidential power, one ever dilating in scope and largely unrestrained. Presidents have acquired power constitutionally assigned to Congress and the courts have largely acquiesced. This research examined the individual characteristics of four modern presidents along the contextual variables of crisis and divided government to create the framework for a predictive model of presidential expansion of power. Leadership Traits and Styles are examined using Margaret Hermann's Leadership Trait Analysis. Based on the presidents' leadership styles and contextual variables, the framework will predict if presidents will use a persuasive model, an imperial model, or unitary model to expand the powers of their office.
Keywords/Search Tags:Model, Presidential, Presidents, Power
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