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Recidivism of African American Male

Posted on:2019-12-14Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Northcentral UniversityCandidate:Seward, Alfonzo RFull Text:PDF
A mixed methods study was used to explore recidivism among African American males within Virginia's Department of Corrections Eastern Region. The problem that was studied was the high number of African American males who end up incarcerated more than once. The researcher explored the prevention and rehabilitation programs and their effectiveness for African American males in prison and jails; additionally, the risk factors of recidivism in this population were assessed. The three branches of the social structure theory were the guiding framework for the study; social disorganization, strain, and cultural deviance. Ten participants were interviewed and surveyed (Inventory of Offender's Needs and Strength survey). The participants had recidivated at least once in the region's prisons or jails. The research questions were useful for determining if the rate of recidivism among African American males was directly related to programs accessed while incarcerated; the participants' perceptions of the effectiveness of the rehabilitation programs provided; and the factors contributing to the men committing other crimes after release from prison. The researcher accessed participants through social media. Analysis included using NVivo8 to develop themes and SPSS for quantitative analysis. Results revealed that there is a clear connection between the type of programs that offenders receive and the rate of recidivism. Likewise, four themes related to the recidivism of African American males emerged, (a) lack of programs, (b) lack of follow-up services, (c) age at incarceration, and (d) lack of education. Implications included offering new programs and matching those programs to the offender's criminogenic needs, and offering follow-up services within communities once the offender was released. Additionally, programs are needed for youthful offenders and to offer formal education.
Keywords/Search Tags:African american, Recidivism, Programs
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