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The relationship of the sponsoring religious body to the board of trustees at six women's Catholic colleges

Posted on:1989-01-04Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Boston CollegeCandidate:Loehr, MarlaFull Text:PDF
This study of the current status of the relationship of the sponsoring religious body (SRB) to the board of trustees, involved six women's Catholic colleges. Information was gathered through: background questionnaires; interviewing the president of each college and the coordinator of the SRB; reviewing minutes of the board of trustees and of the corporation; studying archival material dealing with change in board composition. The study considers both unicameral and bicameral governance structures.;The central portion of this work studies the board structure at each college. Institutional bylaws, models of governance, powers of trustees and corporations, together with board profiles and board orientation are considered. The review of the colleges and their sponsoring religious bodies details the nature of sponsorship, with focus on staffing, salaries, and property relationships. The Catholic identity of the institution is noted as an important element in the relationship between the board and the SRB. The chapter treating of the presidents and their colleges, highlights the role of the president as linking person between the board and the SRB. Topics of presidential powers, style, and evaluation receive consideration.;Conclusions and recommendations stress: the necessity of clarity in bylaws; the need of SRB's to make contingency plans as numbers of religious willing and able to serve in higher education diminish; the importance of orientation of the board; and the issue of sponsorship agreements. Most recommendations are directed toward the SRB as the group which must focus on future staffing patterns, sponsorship studies, and ongoing collaboration with laypersons.;The overall conclusion is that relationships between the board and SRB at the colleges within this study are generally favorable. Continuous attention must be given so decsions for the future of these institutions are made in concert with laypersons.;A chapter on boards of control reflects the history of governing boards, and affords perspective on the change in representation on college boards at Catholic institutions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Board, Sponsoring religious, SRB, Trustees, Catholic, Relationship, College
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