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Communicating with Americans: Chinese International Students' Experiences and Perceptions

Posted on:2015-05-19Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of KansasCandidate:Wakefield, Cooper SFull Text:PDF
Chinese international students are the fastest growing group of internationals nationwide and in the state of Kansas (see: Open Doors Data, 2012; & University of Kansas ISSS, 2012). This research investigates the interaction between Americans and Chinese internationals from the perspective of 33 Chinese international students in Kansas. This inquiry is necessary because international students have a high need and desire to communicate with and befriend the hosts, yet research indicates that most internationals: lack intensive interactions that are key to their adjustment, success, and overall well-being in the United States (Gareis, 2000; Sias, et al, 2008); struggle with the English language; and remain isolated from Americans, in spite of their desire to adapt to American culture and befriend Americans.;Analysis of in-depth interviews with Chinese international students reveals that they perceive Americans as friendly and outgoing, but also closed to new perspectives. Disappointment over friendship development and communication is exacerbated by language and cultural differences, which often leads to separation strategies of acculturation for Chinese. While Chinese typically exert great effort in academic performance and language study, they exhibit weak adaptation behaviors, perhaps mistaking familiarity with American media with an in-depth understanding of American culture and norms.;This research provides needed feedback regarding what is working well with international programs, the extent and quality of intercultural contact occurring on American campuses, and allows Chinese international students to express their experiences, opinions, and emotions regarding their experiences through the use of the Chinese language. Recommendations are made for Chinese international students, and for higher education administrators regarding how to facilitate integration between Americans and Chinese international students.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese international students, Americans, Experiences
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