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Collegiate Coaches' Perceptions of Hazing Based on Gender and Hazing a Form of Bullying

Posted on:2015-02-03Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:University of RedlandsCandidate:Duncan, Tacy LFull Text:PDF
Historically, hazing among college students has not been a topic of public concern, especially because many administrators have viewed the experience of being hazed as a positive "character builder;" hazing in sports makes such behavior more widely accepted (Rees, 2009). In recent years, however, attention to hazing among college athletics has increased dramatically among university personnel and members of the general public. Many universities now have zero tolerance hazing policies. This study explored how college coaches perceived hazing and if their perceptions differed based on gender, coaching experience, and sport. This study focused specifically on the college athletic teams and whether or not hazing could be a form of bullying. The researcher examined gender first, by analyzing each survey question to see if perceptions were different based on the sex of the coach. Then, data was analyzed by looking only at years of experience. The sport they coached was another indication as to how perceptions of hazing could differ. Is there a pattern within a specific sport where coaches' perceptions are more lenient of hazing practices? Lastly, analysis was broken down by the coaches' perceptions of hazing being a form of bullying. Hazing is one of the "fastest growing campus crimes" (Nuwer, 1999). Understanding the perceptions of the coaches and how they view these "traditions" or "rites of passage" may better predict a team more likely to haze and could decrease the amount of hazing incidents that occur amongst collegiate athletic teams while creating a better overall athletic experience for every student athlete.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hazing, Perceptions, Among, Gender, Form, College, Experience
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