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Non-ideal Practices: An Essay on Ethical Theory and Deliberatio

Posted on:2019-04-10Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Columbia UniversityCandidate:Kubala, RobbieFull Text:PDF
What role does ethical theory play in everyday deliberation? On the ideal view, agents are taken to have an overriding commitment to a theory that dictates the obligatory, permissible, and forbidden actions in every conceivable situation. I argue that the ideal view imposes undesirable psychological burdens, whereas a non-ideal view---on which agents act according to the norms of their local practices and appeal to theory only when those norms prove insufficient to resolve particular problems---does not. Inspired by J. S. Mill, I develop one non-ideal theory for practices of regret, toleration, punishment, and partiality.
Keywords/Search Tags:Theory, Non-ideal, Practices
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