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Two-Sided Messaging: A Quantitative Analysis of Humorous Warmth Impacting Message Attitude, Source Credibility, and Persuasio

Posted on:2019-06-28Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Northcentral UniversityCandidate:Campos, AnthonyFull Text:PDF
GTID:1475390017486879Subject:Web Studies
This study examined the perceptual impact of message sidedness and humorous warmth on message attitude, source credibility, and persuasion in print advertisements. Accepting the assumption that the marketing problem is to create a desire for a product, this investigation attempted to justify or reject the use of sidedness and humorous warmth to solve the marketing problem. This investigation attempted to find a relationship between the variables that may be relevant in creating awareness, trustworthiness, and a positive resolve toward a product. Respectively, awareness relates to message attitude, while trustworthiness denotes source credibility, and positive resolve relates to persuasion (purchase intent). The participants were accepted at random from Qualtrics which is recognized as an acceptable survey agency. Furthermore, these survey recipients came from all parts of the United States and from all demographic levels. Participants were totally anonymous although the key demographics of age and gender were recorded. Furthermore, the stimulus was that of a low involvement product considered to be commonly used and relatively low in price. The chosen instruments were measurements established and validated by researchers in this field of study. This study represented a quantitative methodology based on four sets of interactions as follows: a one-sided message with no humorous warmth, a one-sided message with humorous warmth, a two-sided message with no humorous warmth, and a two-sided message with humorous warmth. How each of these combinations perceptually impact message attitude, source credibility, and persuasion formed the crux of the present study. The importance of the present study is that it is unique in combining a two-sided message with humorous warmth attempting to create a positive message attitude, trustworthiness toward the source, and purchase inclination. In the present study, it was found that humorous warmth is the main factor that enhances message attitude, source credibility, and persuasion. Furthermore, it was found that the two-sided message enhanced source credibility and persuasion, but it did not enhance message attitude. Also, it was concluded that men consistently showed a more positive message attitude, higher source credibility, and greater purchase intention to print advertisements that contain humorous warmth compared with women. Finally, the results showed that the combined use of two-sidedness and humorous warmth produces the greatest impact on message attitude, source credibility, and persuasion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Humorous warmth, Message attitude, Source credibility, Impact, Two-sided, Persuasion
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