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Curricular design for graduate study in music missions

Posted on:1989-07-22Degree:D.M.AType:Dissertation
University:Southwestern Baptist Theological SeminaryCandidate:Lites, Milton AllanFull Text:PDF
The number of church musicians being appointed to serve in other countries as music missionaries continues to increase. These missionary musicians need special training to equip them for their task in music missions. The purpose of this dissertation is to design curricula that will prepare the music missionary to become bimusical; in other words, to be able to function effectively in music missions in another culture.; The author draws on information gained in interviews, surveys, and correspondence with those involved in music missions as well as from sixteen years mission experience. The research focused on three related groups: music missionaries, who do music missions, foreign mission agencies who appoint and often support music missionaries, and Christian educational institutions, whose role is to provide educational background for music missionaries.; The parameters of music missions both past and present are defined in Chapters One and Two, making use of correspondence, interviews, and questionnaire response. Current attitudes toward music missions are examined, revealing wide support for music missions, but little communication between sending agencies, theological schools, and music missionaries. Chapter Three confronts basic issues faced by music missionaries, and shows the need for a philosophy of music missions that will clarify the role of the music missionary and give guidance in indigenous music, choosing musical styles, and designing a music missions curriculum. A Music Missionary Fellowship is suggested in order to share information about music missions, and to discuss common problems.; Curricula designs for graduate students in music missions appear in Chapter Four. Curriculum is based on needs of the learner as expressed by Christian educators, mission agencies, and music missionaries. Degrees are offered at the Master's level and the Doctoral level, with majors, concentrations and minors in music missions. Specific course offerings described in Chapter Five include: Introduction to Music Missions, Philosophy of Music Missions, Music Missions and Mission Strategy, Introduction to Ethnomusicology, Musics of Other Cultures, Analysis of Ethnic Musics, and Music Missions and Media.; The Appendices contain lists of music missionaries, mission agencies, Christian schools, results of the survey, and suggested library resources.
Keywords/Search Tags:Music missions, Music missionaries
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