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Exploring attitudes and values of African American women toward outdoor activities: A Q-method study

Posted on:2017-07-19Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Oklahoma State UniversityCandidate:Hawkins, Pamela MFull Text:PDF
Scope and method of study. Q Methodology was used to explore attitudes and values of African American women. Q Methodology was used because of its ability to illuminate subjectivity, for this study to foster new potential categories of African American women's outdoor activities. Q-sort was utilized to collect data from the P-set. The researcher provided a set of 45 statements (Q-set) for each participant, the Q-set developed from prior interviews, literature, YouTube, Facebook, and magazines. Purposive and snowballing techniques were utilized for participant selection.;Findings and conclusions. Factor analysis unmasked three factors. The three factors are viewpoints from the subject sample (P-set) responses. The following viewpoints were revealed: (a) Self-Soothers who enjoy outdoor activities, and find connection with nature a spiritual experience; (b) Metropolitan woman view outdoor activities less important and are more interested with personal appearance; (c) Social Recreationist delight in outdoor activities, this factor rather experience outdoor activities with a group. The result of this research study offers a snapshot into a variety of perspectives within African American women outdoor experiences.
Keywords/Search Tags:African american women, Outdoor
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