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Black Male Teachers Speak: Narratives of Corps Members in the NYC Teach for America Program

Posted on:2017-12-26Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Columbia UniversityCandidate:Mentor, MarcelleFull Text:PDF
GTID:1475390017450515Subject:Educational philosophy
Black men make up roughly 2% of the national teaching corps, and as Brockenbrough (2012) reminds us, there are recurring themes within Black Masculinity Studies that are central to bear in mind when looking at the lived and teaching experiences of these Black male teachers. The major one is to recognize and acknowledge the unique psychological, emotional, and spiritual toll of Black male marginality on Black men. "Oft-cited statistics on incarceration, homicide, unemployment, high school dropout, and HIV infection rates, among other chronic blights (Dyson, 1993; Noguera, 2003), illustrate not only the systemic marginality of Black men in American society, but also their distance from patriarchal definitions of manhood that rely on White supremacist and capitalist power to reinforce male domination" (p.5).;The intention of this study was to engage with these Black male teachers' narratives, stories, and commentaries and learn from their life and teaching experiences as Black men. The aim was to gain insight into how they were recruited, how they were supported, and also what their understandings and thoughts are around retaining Black male teachers in the classrooms. (Abstract shortened by ProQuest.).
Keywords/Search Tags:Black
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