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Hector Campos Parsi, his life and music: A biographical study with an analysis of four selected works

Posted on:1993-07-28Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:New York UniversityCandidate:Montalvo, Jose AFull Text:PDF
A comprehensive biographical study of Puerto Rican composer Hector Campos Parsi, from birth to the year 1991. It also contains an in-depth analysis of four selected works: Sonata en Sol for piano; Divertimento del Sur for strings, flute, and clarinet; Petroglifos for piano, violin, and cello; and Columnas y Circulos for soprano, tenor, piano, clavichord, and vibraphone. The appendix includes many documents related to the composer's personal and professional life.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hector campos parsi, Biographical study, Four selected
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