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'The Life of the Blessed Saint Doucelina' (d. 1274): An edition and translation with commentary. (Volumes I and II)

Posted on:1994-03-15Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Northwestern UniversityCandidate:Wolfkiel, Kathryn BettsFull Text:PDF
The Life of the Blessed Saint Doucelina is one of the thirteenth century's most intriguing examples of mystical hagiography. The Introduction to this work studies the historical context of the text and the creation of the manuscript as well as the mystical qualities of the text. As the founder of the Ladies of Roubaud in Hyeres and later in Marseille, Doucelina possessed a great deal of influence both over her two congregations of beguines and over the communities in which they were located. The nature of her power within the beguine community is based on its status as a domestic environment and therefore one in which women were permitted to be influential. Doucelina also manages to gain a certain amount of influence over individuals in the public sphere, although this is primarily through the mediation of her body. This work provides a current edition of the manuscript and makes available the first English translation. Information provided in the four appendices includes the profession of faith of the ladies of Roubaud and a hymn attached to the manuscript, as well as an index of people and places and a map of the primary locations mentioned in the document.
Keywords/Search Tags:Doucelina
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