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Data analysis workflow for gas chromatography mass spectrometry-based metabolomics studies

Posted on:2015-04-13Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of North Carolina at CharlotteCandidate:Ni, YanFull Text:PDF
Metabolomics has emerged as an integral part of systems biology research that attempts to comprehensively study low molecular weight organic and inorganic metabolites under certain conditions within a biological system. Technological advances in the past decade have made it possible to carry out metabolomics studies in a high-throughput fashion using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. As a result, large volumes of data are produced from these studies and there is a pressing need for algorithms that can efficiently process and analyze the data in a high-throughput fashion as well. To address this need, we have developed computational algorithms and the associated software tool named an Automated Data Analysis Pipeline (ADAP). ADAP allows data to flow seamlessly through the data processing steps that include de-nosing, peak detection, deconvolution, alignment, compound identification and quantitation. The development of ADAP started in 2009 and the past four years have witnessed continuous improvements in its performance from ADAP-GC 1.0, to ADAP-GC 2.0, and to the current ADAP-GC 3.0. As part of the performance assessment of ADAP-GC, we have compared it with three other software tools. In this dissertation, I will present the computational details about these three versions of ADAP-GC, the capabilities of the software tool, and the results from software comparison.
Keywords/Search Tags:ADAP-GC, Data, Software
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