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Effect of mattresses and pillow designs on promoting sleep quality, spinal alignment and pain reduction in adults: Systematic reviews of controlled trials

Posted on:2016-09-07Degree:D.P.TType:Dissertation
University:Utica CollegeCandidate:Fess, PhilipFull Text:PDF
GTID:1474390017968114Subject:Health Sciences
Background: Sleep is an important part of our lives, with approximately one third of our life spent sleeping, but in the United States, it is estimated that over 70 million individuals have trouble sleeping, with this number only expected to rise. Lack of sleep can impact an individual's quality of life, social interaction, and mood. While numerous studies recognize the importance of a sleep surface on sleep quality, there is great controversy on what surface design is optimum for the relief of neck or back pain.;Objective: The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review that assessed all available clinical trials pertaining to the effect of different types of mattresses and pillows on reducing back pain and promoting sleep quality and spinal alignment.;Methods: After setting the inclusion criteria the article search was conducted using a series of key words in several databases and was also expanded to include grey literature. Independent reviewers were used to review the articles and assign a PEDro score. It was determined that there were 6 pillow articles and 24 mattress articles that met the criteria to be included in the study.;Conclusion: In regards to pillows, our results show that rubber (latex) pillows as well as cooling of the occipital region can enhance sleep. Pillows should also have multiple dimensions in order to reduce pain. However, there is currently a lack of sufficient evidence relating pillows and cervical spine stability. In regards to mattresses, it was concluded that medium-firm mattresses provide the best outcome for increased sleep quality and for reducing pain. Proximal warming of mattresses can also reduce early morning pain and individualized (custom-inflation) mattress systems can enhance spinal alignment.;Keywords: Physical therapy, ergonomics, pillows, mattress, systematic review.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sleep, Spinal alignment, Pain, Systematic, Review, Mattress, Pillows
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