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Cephalic blood flow velocity and tissue oxygen desaturation during exposure to +G(z) acceleration profiles

Posted on:1991-06-29Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Drexel UniversityCandidate:Johanson, David CarlFull Text:PDF
Incapacitation of aircrew due to Loss of Consciousness following exposure to high acceleration levels (GLOC) has been frequently reported during the past decade. While a few noninvasive measurements of the physiological parameters contributing to the phenomenon have been reported, they have generally been reported singularly. Though not directly measured, a lack of cerebral oxygenation has been indicated in several studies. Of those measurements reported, estimation of peripheral light loss (PLL) and Doppler blood flow velocity are among the most common. Estimated or measured PLL can be considered both a subjective and objective form of measurement of oxygen delivery to a specific tissue; Doppler velocity is an indirect objective measurement of the flow of blood. A more direct objective measure of oxygen delivery is provided by blood oxygen saturation. This study reports changes in measurement of oxygen saturation (SaO...
Keywords/Search Tags:Oxygen, Blood, Flow, Velocity, Reported
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