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Understanding the experiences breast cancer: A of stage IV qualitative inquiry of a stage IV diagnosis

Posted on:2015-07-15Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Michigan State UniversityCandidate:Downs, Karly JFull Text:PDF
GTID:1474390017494394Subject:Mental Health
Women with Stage IV breast cancer face a multitude of stressors associated with treatments, illness, mortality, and creating a quality life. The current study examines a sample of 10 women from across the United States, who are living with diagnosed Stage IV breast cancer. Through the combination of two theories, comprehensive task model and relational understanding of life and death, a set of semi-structured individual interview questions were created to assess the multifaceted experience of living with this diagnosis. The purpose of the interviews was to capture the lived experiences of the women, gain an understanding of what adds to and takes away from creating an optimal quality of life, and to gain an understanding of the needs of this population throughout their experience. A phenomenological analysis approach was utilized and a conceptual model of quality of life and needs is presented. Results show that making meaning through relationships, faith, and finding purpose in life were the major factors in creating quality of life and body deterioration and financial stress were the major themes that took away from life quality. Additionally, personal characteristics and Stage IV specific characteristics were also important within the experience. Connection and education were the two identified needs of this sample. Clinical implications, limitations, and future research are presented.
Keywords/Search Tags:Stage IV, Breast cancer, Experience, Understanding, Quality
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