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Lived Experiences of Depressed Adults Who Participate in Alternative Treatments: A Phenomenological Stud

Posted on:2019-09-16Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Nienhuser, Angelyn KFull Text:PDF
GTID:1474390017489236Subject:Counseling psychology
The focus of this study was to understand the experiences of adult participants in finding alternative treatments for depression. The research question was what is the lived experience of adults diagnosed with depression who participate in alternative treatments? A lack of research focusing on the lived experiences of adults suffering from depression who look for alternative treatment was the need for this research project. The interview questions asked were (a) once diagnosed with depression and deciding to seek alternative treatment, what was your experience? (b) When you asked your chosen provider for a recommendation for an alternative treatment, what was your experience? (c) How has your experience in working with your provider influenced your symptom relief outcomes? (d) How has your experience with the alternative treatment you sought turned out and what was the influence of the treatment on your depression long-term? And (e) when sharing with those close to you about seeking alternative treatment for your depression, what was your experience like? Participants were adults diagnosed with depression who sought alternative treatment for symptoms. Insight was gained from the lived experiences of 11 participants who searched for healthcare providers offering alternative treatments and participated in the modality they chose for depression treatment. Emergent themes arose from factors described by the participants' in their quest to find alternative treatment for depression. Themes developed around participant attribution; alternative treatment remedy sought initial and long-term symptom relief, and acquaintance reaction to the participant seeking alternative treatment. All emergent themes surfaced through interviews and audio recording of participant dialogue. Results revealed the segmented approaches of medication or psychotherapy alone in treating depression have limited success in long-term depression management. Participants reported different positive results from the alternative treatment approaches they chose for their depression symptoms. The participant experiences documented the many ways self-care and empowerment can alleviate depression symptoms. Findings may increase awareness for professionals serving clients experiencing depression. Higher levels of advocacy and suggesting alternative wellness treatment approaches versus pharmaceutical treatments or counseling alone may result in lifting depression for clients.
Keywords/Search Tags:Alternative, Treatments, Depression, Experience, Adults, Participants
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