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Research and development of a system to track behaviors of individuals with autism or other severe handicaps and interfering behaviors

Posted on:1990-12-10Degree:Re.DType:Dissertation
University:Indiana UniversityCandidate:Brookhiser, Judy KFull Text:PDF
The problem. This study was undertaken to investigate the problem of collecting and processing behavorial data for individuals with autism or other severe handicaps and interfering behaviors. The purpose was to provide a systematically researched and developed tool that could be employed by service providers seeking accurate and timely information, in easily accessible formats, to assist in making programming decisions about behaviors.;Procedures. A research utilization model developed to apply research and development techniques to the human service fields was employed. The research began with the identification of a problem and goal followed by a review of the literature in search of solutions or directions of resolution. From the literature, generalizations and concepts were extrapolated into five precepts. Based upon these precepts and the "reality" dimensions of practicality and feasibility, a solution model was designed that provided a conceptual framework for solution. The solution model was translated into a prototype Behavioral Tracking System (BTS). The prototype was developed, enhanced and refined through pilot testing, followed by a field test to evaluate the stand alone qualities of the final product.;Findings. Based upon the pilot and field testing, refinements and elaborations were incorporated into the solution model, resulting in a practical, usable product. Use of the BTS resulted in the following advantages: (1) Decision making processes were enhanced resultant from the use of concrete, longitudinal and comprehensive data relating to specific behaviors of individuals. (2) Enhancements were made to the systems employed by professionals to evaluate and impact upon behaviors. (3) Credibility between professionals, i.e., the persons charged with programming for persons with behavioral issues and other professions (medical, legal, etc.) was facilitated. (4) Assistance was provided in meeting behavioral objectives in a systematic and efficient manner.;Conclusions. The application of the research and development utilization model resulted in a systematically tested, functional tool that was a successful resolution to the problem stated. The Behavior Tracking System, developed through this study, was found to function effectively when used by service providers to track and evaluate targeted behaviors and contributed to the processes of assisting individuals with autism or severe handicaps and interfering behaviors.
Keywords/Search Tags:Individuals with autism, Severe handicaps and interfering, Behaviors, Research and development, System, Problem
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