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Crop residue influence on exchangeable aluminum, potassium availability, and seedling root growth in an oxisol

Posted on:1994-05-31Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Ohio State UniversityCandidate:Tenywa, John StephenFull Text:PDF
Organic matter as an ameliorant for aluminum (Al) phytotoxicity has been reckoned, but its potential capacity in relation to the traditional acidity amendment, lime, remains to be established. The unavailability of lime in much of the tropics, where the bulk of soils are high in exchangeable Al;Four laboratory experiments were conducted to address these questions. A Ugandan acid Oxisol was used in this study. Treatments included liming, crop residue (Corn, Zea mays L.), and potassium application. Abe, a wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) inbred highly sensitive to Al phytotoxicity, was used as the test crop.;Crop residue reduced the concentration of exchangeable Al;The sensitivity of Abe to Mn...
Keywords/Search Tags:Crop residue, Exchangeable
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