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Convective Power Loss Measurements in a Field Reversed Configuration with Rotating Magnetic Field Current Drive

Posted on:2015-08-08Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of WashingtonCandidate:Melnik, PaulFull Text:PDF
The Translation, Confinement, and Sustainment Upgrade (TCSU) experiment achieves direct formation and sustainment of a field reversed configuration (FRC) plasma through rotating magnetic fields (RMF). The pre-ionized gas necessary for FRC formation is supplied by a magnetized cascade arc source that has been developed for TCSU. To ensure ideal FRC performance, the condition of the vacuum chamber prior to RMF start-up has been characterized with the use of a fast response ion gauge. A circuit capable of gating the puff valves with initial high voltage for quick response and then indefinite operational voltage was also designed. A fully translatable combination Langmuir / Mach probe was also built to measure the electron temperature, electron density, and ion velocity of the FRC. These measurements were also successfully completed in the FRC exhaust jets allowing for an accurate analysis of the FRC power loss through convection.
Keywords/Search Tags:FRC, Field
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