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Investigating the Intersection of Aging and Community Transportation An Executive Position Paper

Posted on:2015-01-04Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Wilmington University (Delaware)Candidate:Grande, Santo AnthonyFull Text:PDF
GTID:1472390017993170Subject:Health Sciences
The burgeoning aging population of the United States, 65+ years of age, has placed many demands on the present community transportation network. Investigating how this intersection of aging and community transportation will affect present and future resources is addressed. This growing problem is reviewed through the use of past and present research. The author's research consisted of surveys and interviews of experts in the field of aging and community transportation. Topics addressed included current conditions, the role of advocacy, availability of resources, public perception of older drivers and the media reporting of accidents involving older drivers. They also addressed the future intersection of the two fields including age restriction of older drivers, enhanced driver testing and the role of volunteer driver programs as ways to provide alternatives for older persons who are reluctant to give up the keys to their automobiles. The author's findings also focused on the continued approach needed to further study this problem including avenues to be followed for best results. Considered is the role of advocacy for the future of the aging population and community transportation in a climate of less resources and the lack of will to address problems through the political process. The conclusion and recommendations of the author were drawn through the interview and Likert scale results and analysis. Through the expert opinion interview, opinions and perceptions were drawn addressing issues regarding the senior driver, what comprises a senior friendly community, volunteer transportation and future trends.
Keywords/Search Tags:Community, Transportation, Aging, Intersection, Future
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