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Intrinsic workability and metal forming analysis

Posted on:1991-02-26Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Missouri - RollaCandidate:Chen, Hen-Li HenryFull Text:PDF
GTID:1472390017950472Subject:Applied mechanics
The work described herein consists of two parts. In both parts a stress ratio parameter is used for studying the workability of metals. A rigid-viscoplastic formulation is used with the finite element analysis method to demonstrate a process for studying the plastic flow of metal during forming. Variations of the stress ratio g (mean stress/effective stress) in combination with the strain rate and with respect to time have been studied. The rate of change of the square of the g parameter with respect to the log of the strain rate allows a useful description of the material workability. In the first part, tension test simulations were run for strain rate sensitivity parameters in the range of 0.2-1.1. The compression test simulations were run for 0.2, 0.4, 0.8 strain rate sensitivity parameters and for 0.0, 0.001, 0.150, 0.800 friction factors. In the second part the stress-ratio parameter is used with similar analytical tools for studying the plastic flow of metals during extrusion through conical, constant-strain-rate and streamline dies. Various extrusion die geometries, billet materials and ram speeds with 9:1 as well as 4.4:1 reduction ratios were studied. Four different experimental process conditions were used with a streamline die to help confirm the results from the simulations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Used, Strain rate, Workability
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