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Nondestructive testing to determine the internal quality of peaches

Posted on:1990-03-13Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Clemson UniversityCandidate:Bowers, Stewart Vandiver, IIIFull Text:PDF
A method and process were developed to distinguish nondestructively between peaches with split pits and peaches with normal pits. Present day x-ray technology proved to provide a feasible method.; It was determined that pits can be evaluated if x-rays are radiated through the top or suture of a peach. Principles of image processing aided in evaluating x-ray images of peaches to determine a method for distinguishing between split pit and normal pit areas. A study of x-ray peach properties revealed that a threshold could be found to isolate split pits from peach flesh. After statistically analyzing the x-ray images, a threshold algorithm was determined that successfully highlighted the split pit area.; The threshold algorithm was integrated into a control algorithm which operated a system developed to differentiate between split and normal pit peaches. This system included an x-ray source, x-ray sensor, and personal computer. The designed x-ray sensor contained an array of 16 phosphor coated photodiodes amplified to obtain an acceptable output level. The system successfully isolated peaches with split pits from normal pit peaches.
Keywords/Search Tags:Peaches, Split pits, Normal pit
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