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DC electrostatic gyro suspension system for the Gravity Probe B experiment

Posted on:1995-03-02Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Stanford UniversityCandidate:Wu, Chang-HueiFull Text:PDF
The Gravity Probe B experiment is a satellite-based experiment primarily designed to test two aspects of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity by observing the spin axis drift of near-perfect gyroscopes in a 650-km circular polar orbit. The goal of this experiment is to measure the drift angles to an accuracy of 0.3 milli-arcsec after one year in orbit. As a result, electrostatically suspended free-spinning gyroscopes operating at a very low temperature became the final choice for their ultra-low Newtonian torque-induced drift rate.; The Conventional AC current-driven suspension system faces two fundamental difficulties for ground gyro testing. Field emission causes rotor charging and arcing with an imperfect electrode or rotor surfaces because the electric field intensity needed to support a solid rotor in the 1-g field is more than {dollar}10sp7{dollar} V/m. The system not only becomes unstable at a high rotor charge, which can be more than 500 volts, but may also lose control in case of arcing. Both the high voltage AC suspension signal and the high frequency (1 MHz) signal for rotor position sensing interfere with the superconducting SQUID magnetometer for spin axis readout through inductive coupling. These problems were resolved by using DC voltage to generate a suspension force and a low frequency position sensor. In addition to the Input/Output linearization algorithm developed to remove the system nonlinearity for global stability and dynamic performance, we also minimized the electric field intensity to reduce rotor charging. Experimental results verified the desired global stability and satisfactory dynamic performance. The problem of rotor charging is virtually eliminated. More importantly, the DC system is compatible with the SQUID readout system in the Science Mission configuration. Consequently, experiments in low magnetic field at a sub-micro-gauss level for SQUID design verification and trapped flux distribution study were finally realizable in ground environment.; The second part of the research focused on design issues for the Science Mission in a micro-g environment. The unique requirement of the GP-B experiment is to minimize suspension-induced torque and subsequent spin axis drift. A nonlinear control law which employs stiffened spring and stiffened damping coefficients was developed to achieve both low RMS noise in steady-state operation and quick response for situations like a micrometeoroid impact. Rotor voltage measurement and in-flight sensor bias correction schemes were developed to ensure system stability and absolute centering accuracy. Simulation results verified the system performances and confirmed that a suspension-system-induced rotor spin axis drift lower than 0.1 milliarcsec/year can be reached.
Keywords/Search Tags:System, Experiment, Suspension, Spin axis drift, Rotor, Low
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