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Bio-desulfurization of coal with mesophilic and thermophilic microorganisms

Posted on:1991-08-18Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of KentuckyCandidate:Hsieh, Michael WeichihFull Text:PDF
The leaching of heavy metals, such as Ni, Co or Cr was first studied with and without the presence of microorganisms. The leached metal concentrations were less than 10 mg/L. The effects of temperature and solution pH on coal biodesulfurization were also studied. With T. ferrooxidans, the optimal pH was around 2.5; while with S. brierleyi, an increase of temperature from 60 to 70;Coal desulfurization was first studied with 5% slurry (pH = 2.5) by mesophilic bacteria T. ferrooxidans and T. thiooxidans. at 30;The growth kinetics of the mesophiles, thermophile and heterotrophic Pseudomonas putida were also studied. Monod equation was used to model the growth of both the mesophilic and thermophilic microorganisms while a modification with an inhibitory effect of intermediates was included to describe the growth and substrate utilization during the growth of P. putida on benzoate.;The kinetics of coal desulfurization of both mesophiles was described by Monod model while a Monod-like, no growth or non-growth related model was employed to illustrate the biodesulfurization of S. brierleyi. The values of parameters of these models were estimated by non-linear regression method. Perturbation analyses of parameters of these models were also performed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Coal, Mesophilic, Studied
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