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The relationship between older women's attitudes and behavior regarding clothing and fashion and their social participation

Posted on:1991-08-25Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Ohio State UniversityCandidate:Fritz-Cook, Betty DeeFull Text:PDF
The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship of older women's attitudes and behavior regarding clothing (clothing interest and clothing deprivation) and fashion (fashion interest) to their participation in group activities. The relationships of an interaction between clothing interest and self-esteem, and an interaction between fashion interest and self-esteem, to frequency of social participation were also examined. An additional intent of the research was to investigate the relationship between older women's interest in clothing and their interest in fashion (clothing similar to that worn by the majority of the members of a particular group). Also of interest was the relationship between the older women's social participation and life satisfaction.;The convenience sample consisted of 186 women at least 65 years of age who lived in four congregate living facilities in two southern cities. An 11-page, self-administered survey instrument obtained information regarding the women's clothing interest, feelings of clothing deprivation, fashion interest, self-esteem, social participation, and life satisfaction. The data were analyzed using the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, simple linear regression, and multiple linear regression.;The data analyses revealed significant linear relationships between the older women's (1) clothing interest and frequency of social participation, (2) feelings of clothing deprivation and social participation, and (3) social participation and the interaction between their fashion interest and self-esteem. In addition, a significant positive relationship was identified between the women's social participation and their life satisfaction. A nonsignificant relationship existed between the older women's clothing interest and fashion interest. The relationship between clothing deprivation and self-esteem was of moderate strength and in the negative direction.;One of the implications of these findings is that clothing might enhance some older women's social participation. In addition, some women's participation might be negatively affected by their inability to obtain appropriate clothing. Another implication is that older women with an interest in clothing do not necessarily use their clothing to conform to the appearance norms (or fashions) or the groups with which they participate. The results of this study suggest that older women's attitudes and behavior regarding clothing are related to their social participation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Clothing, Older women's, Social participation, Relationship, Interest, Fashion
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