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Sintering inhibition of copper compacts with a dispersed oxide

Posted on:1989-02-01Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Northwestern UniversityCandidate:Ness, Eric AlanFull Text:PDF
Reduced copper powder of a 2-4 ;The extent of densification decreased as the amount of alumina increased, but only for the pure copper compacts did an increase in applied load lead to an increase in densification at any given temperature. The increase in the axially applied load resulted in an increased axial strain and a decreased radial strain for both the pure and dispersed compacts. The ratio of the axial to radial strain was independent of oxide content, indicating that the oxide equally inhibited the compact deformation in both directions. The extent of this inhibition was large, indicating that it was most likely due to an interfacial reaction mechanism.;The activation energies for magnesia dispersed copper varied from 250 kJ/mole at 584...
Keywords/Search Tags:Copper, Dispersed, Compacts
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