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Experimental studies of bulk optically controlled gallium arsenide switches utilizing fast infrared quenching

Posted on:1991-08-31Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Old Dominion UniversityCandidate:Mazzola, Michael StevenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1471390017451480Subject:Electrical engineering
This dissertation describes some of the properties of copper-compensated, silicon-doped GaAs (Cu:Si:GaAs) with the purpose of demonstrating the feasibility of the Bulk Optically Controlled Switch (BOSS) concept. The BOSS concept involves the excitation of electrons or holes from selected deep centers in the band gap of a bulk Cu:Si:GaAs photoconductor. The conductivity of the Cu:Si:GaAs crystal can be increased or decreased on command by irradiating the crystal with laser light of different wavelengths in the infrared. Photoconductivities as large as 1 (...
Keywords/Search Tags:Bulk, Gaas
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