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Advancements in active copper chemistry

Posted on:1994-10-16Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Nebraska - LincolnCandidate:Stack, Douglas EFull Text:PDF
GTID:1471390014493099Subject:Organic Chemistry
The Rieke method of metal activation has been employed to generate new forms of highly reactive copper which can be used to form organocopper reagents directly from the corresponding organic halides.;The low temperature reduction of CuI;The active copper derived from CuCN;The two equivalent reduction of Cu(I) complexes has lead to the formation of a formal copper anion. The copper anion reacts at low temperatures with alkyl, aryl, and allylic halides to form the corresponding organocopper compound. The copper anion has also been used to form higher order allylcyanocuprates as well as "non-ate" allyl organocopper species.
Keywords/Search Tags:Copper
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