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Molecular dynamics studies of phase changes in condensed matter

Posted on:1994-01-22Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Nebraska - LincolnCandidate:Cao, HuazheFull Text:PDF
olecular dynamics (MD) simulation is a widely used theoretical tool for exploring the properties of condensed matter systems. This dissertation, which describes our research work on various types of phase changes in solids and liquids by MD simulations, consists of two parts: part I (chapters 1 ;Chapter 1 describes simulations of the interface between two mixing liquids. We show that the macroscopic fractal-like properties of the interface also exist at the atomic-level, and that a fractal dimension analysis, for which we have developed a definite method, can be performed at and above the scale of a few interatomic spacings.;Chapter 2 describes simulations of shock-induced detonation processes in systems with a generalized reactive three-body potential. We demonstrated the sensitivity of detonation initiation to the existence of boundaries and surfaces.;Chapter 3 describes simulations of laser ablation. Our results show that pure local ionization of atoms lead to a clean removal of materials from surfaces, while a pure local heating only damages the surfaces badly.;In Chapter 4, we derived the effective masses of the three basis vectors which define the supercells in MD simulations, and showed that these masses are uniquely determined by the lattice size and shape, and the shape of the supercell. We also developed an improved cooling technique for finding the ground state of a lattice.;Chapters 5...
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