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Critical analysis and evaluation of Don Browning's method for pastoral care

Posted on:1995-03-22Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Drew UniversityCandidate:Park, No KwonFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this dissertation is to present a critical analysis of Don Browning's method of pastoral care and to evaluate the effectiveness of his method in retrieving theological foundations for pastoral care. Being aware of the contemporary pluralistic environment, Browning has tried to define an effective approach for pastoral care which is based on a critical dialogue between theological and secular sources. In particular, Browning's main concern is to establish, through his method, norms of action to counsel and care for people.;In this study, the writer specifically evaluates how Browning's method contributes, positively and/or negatively, in establishing theological grounds for pastoral care, focusing on his attitude toward pluralism, his emphasis on ethical norms and his concern for "public" theology.;In the process of this analysis, the writer presents Browning's three sources of information for pastoral care: the Judeo-Christian tradition, cultural information, and personal experience, and then investigates how he correlates these sources to establish ethical norms. To clarify Browning's theological position, his understanding of human nature is incorporated into this task. Additionally, the primary problem of pastoral care for Browning, that is, the lack of ethical norms is analyzed. Within the analysis, Browning's application of his method in the issue of homosexuality is illustrated and investigated. Based on the findings, the writer also examines whether Browning is a theologian or a psychologist or both, by undertaking an internal critique of his approach to pastoral care. The question is raised: Is Browning using psychology to determine a better understanding of faith (as a theologian) or is he using psychology as a tool to simply develop psychological insights (as a psychologist)?;Finally, Browning's philosophical basis and work, as a reflection of the tension between traditional Christian faith and psychological theory, is investigated by comparing Browning with Thomas Oden who focuses on the traditional Christian faith to approach the nature of pastoral care.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pastoral care, Browning, Critical
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