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Iterated Function Systems and functional equations

Posted on:1989-11-26Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Washington University in St. LouisCandidate:Deliu, Anca LilianaFull Text:PDF
We study dimension properties of some continuous functions of the form g(t) = ;An IFS is an iterative procedure which starts from a function f and produces a limit object, the attractor g. The functions f and g are then related by a functional equation f(t) = (1 ;The iterative nature of an IFS makes it particularly well-suited for studying dimension problems. We obtain a general formula for the dimension of the graph of g under an apriori assumption on the oscillation of g, thus generalizing several previously known results.;To decide when this apriori assumption on g is satisfied, we study the functional equation relating f and g. We give precise conditions in terms of the asymptotic variance on the given function f for the solution g to be in certain smoothness classes. The method we use for studying this functional equation utilizes some recent, discrete decomposition techniques from harmonic analysis. More specifically, we use the...
Keywords/Search Tags:Functional equation
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